Protoss Players The first step is to build up defenses, this is done by building lots of cannons around base (especially at choke point), some zealots and a shield battery. The second step is to build up as many carriers as you can, so as soon as possible build the stargates. Once you have 6 carriers you can rush your opponent, with 6 carriers you are almost unstoppable, if your carriers become damaged, just take them back to base and recharge the shields. This attacking and recharging could take a long time, but with persistence it is a guaranteed win for you!
Terran Players The first step is to wall in your choke point, build barracks quickly, then pump out about 15 marines. When you have enough gas build 2 factories and research siege mode. Build an engineering bay and float it to enemy entrance, send 2 or more tanks with marine support to near enemy base. Siege mode the tanks and use the engineering bay to spot for the tanks. If the enemy does not have any long range air units such as carriers, you have won!
Zerg Players For long games using Zergs, there are two main strategies. The first is the Hydralisk drop, basically to do this rush, is to build heaps of hydralisk (more than 35) and at the same time research carrying support for overlord. When carrying support is ready, put all hydralisks into overlords and send to enemy resources area. With so many hydralisks attacking and assuming most of your opponents defenses are at their choke point, your opponent is helpless. The crux of this strategy is to make sure your overlord reaches the opponent's base before they get shot down. The other strategy for long games is the "mustalisks" rush. This rush is very effective in that most opponents will not have air units when you have mustalisks attacking them. However it does require multiple rushes to win and so is a very expensive attack. If your opponent tries the defense-carrier rush, you will need to use Scourges to destroy them. I have found that scourges is a very underused unit on bnet, but I actually find it one of the most effective air units.
Multiplayer Strategies Firstly, try and combine your defenses if you have a common choke point, e.g. in the popular The Hunters Map where adjacent bases can have common choke points. Secondly, attack together with your team mates at one target (base) rather than attacking a separate base each, e.g. it will be very difficult for that one opponent to defend against three enemies, and by the time his/her team mates arrive to help his base, it is too late. Thirdly, either rush really early with ground units (eg the massed zealot rush) or build up defenses for a long game and go for powerful air units (such as carriers). Never aim for a mid-game attack or attack in small waves intermittently, this is because you will waste all your units trying to break through enemy defences leaving you with no units left when your enemy rushes you with all their powerful late game air units. So at the beginning of the game, select allie chat and decide with your team mates whether to rush early or late.
Do you have any cool strategies you would like to
add here? Send them to me and I'll post them up.